Monday, August 31, 2015

10 tech founders and CEOs to follow on Twitter

Check out these 10 founders and CEOs making the most of their 140 characters.


When you're a founder or CEO, often times that means you are your company. For some, that can have a chilling effect — all of a sudden that dumb or goofy thing you said is company dogma.

It doesn't have to be that way, though, especially for these 10 CEOs and founders with big ideas and opinions on everything from travel, to business, to social issues.

Here are 10 founders and CEOs worth following on Twitter.

Elon Musk : @elonmusk

Having good material like photos of rockets helps make for an interesting Twitter account. Musk tweets about SpaceX and Tesla's latest happenings, but also about topics like artificial intelligence. There's also this tweet that followed the Falcon landing in April: "If this works, I'm treating myself to a volcano lair. It's time."

Kimberly Bryant : @6gems
Bryant is the founder of Black Girls Code. She's an active tweeter and retweeter, focusing on diversity in tech/STEM, including education. Example tweet: "The "DIVERSITY" issue is not purely pipeline related. So let's start separating these two shall we?"

Sara Chipps : @SaraJChipps
Chipps started non-profit Girl Develop It, which encourages women to get into tech. So, she does indeed tweet about women in tech. She's also got a sense of humor about the tech industry. Example tweet: "I just used the word synergy in an email, the transformation is now complete."

Tristan Walker : @TristanWalker
This CEO of Walker & Company brands tweets, of course, about things like flagship product Bevel, but also tech, sports, diversity, odds and ends from the internet, and sometimes TV. Example tweet: "Amazing thing about this Google announcement is their ability to trademark 'Alphabet.'"

Ruzwana Bashir : @ruzwana
The best part of Peek CEO Ruzwana Bashir's account is all the great photos she posts of her travels. Example tweet: "Saw three different kinds of monkeys in Rincon del la Vieja National Park today - this little fella is a Capuchin."

Richard Branson : @richardbranson
Branson tweets about leadership, philanthropy, business, and of course, being Richard Branson. The only thing — you're going to be seeing a lot of pictures of the Virgin CEO. Example tweet: "Outside my family & @Virgin, two things I love most: kitesurfing & a good cause: #kitethereef "

Aaron Levie : @levie
Box CEO Aaron Levie is pretty funny and fairly candid on Twitter, which is not always something the powers that be in companies are able to do. Though, you will also get other commentary on tech and business. Example tweet: "One thing is clear, Twitter brings tremendous efficiency to the process of rappers having beef with other rappers."

Anil Dash : @anildash
Anil Dash is the co-founder of ThinkUp. Incidentally, ThinkUp's other co-founder, who also started LifeHacker, Gina Trapani, is someone else great to follow on Twitter. Dash's Twitter bio sums it up pretty well — "social justice + social software." Example tweet: "Almost all of the time, people are awesome when you give them the chance to be their best selves. But it can be hard to remember that."

Danielle Morrill : @DanielleMorrill
Danielle Morrill is Mattermark's co-founder and CEO. She tweets about startups, coding, and other tech topics like automation. Example tweet: "Just imagine how cool it will be when machines understand how every business in the world is connected to every other"

Bill Gates : @BillGates
Of course, there's always Bill Gates. Gates' Twitter account deals a lot with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He tweets about things like climate change, education, social projects and more. Example tweet: "There's two reasons Melinda and I believe in empowering women and girls: a moral reason, and an economic one: "

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