Monday, February 29, 2016

Export Sales Mission to Korea & Taiwan - April 15-23, 2016



Join Secretary of Commerce Bill Johnson on an
Export Sales Mission to Korea & Taiwan

April 15-23, 2016
Seoul, Korea and Taipei, Taiwan
EFI will offer a limited number of Gold Key Matchmaking, one-on-one appointments. The price of this service is $2,600, which includes a $500 fee for interpreter services in Korea. Small and mid-sized Florida manufacturers and professional service providers may qualify for a Gold Key Grant, which will offset the matchmaking registration fee of $2,100 for the first company representative. A separate application process will be required for this grant. Participants will be selected on a first-come, first-served basis.

South Korea and Taiwan, strong and growing Asian economies, are highly attractive export markets for U.S. companies. Over the past several decades, South Korea has achieved a remarkably high level of economic growth and is now the United States’ sixth largest goods trading partner with a trillion-dollar economy. The United States is Taiwan’s third largest trading partner, accounting for more than 10 percent of its total trade. Florida companies are invited to join the mission and participate in the Gold Key program. This program offers an excellent way to meet with potential business partners and build relationship in both markets. There are tremendous opportunities for Florida companies in these market.

For more information please contact:
John Diep
Enterprise Florida Inc.
Tel: 561-832-8339

Max Stewart
Enterprise Florida Inc.
Tel: 813-276-9430


If you received this announcement from a colleague and would like to be added to our Trade Events mailing list, please click here.

Friday, February 26, 2016

Enterprise Florida:Customized Export Marketing Plans for Qualified Small Florida Manufacturers!


Ready to increase your sales overseas? Not sure which countries to concentrate on? Need a step-by-step plan for export growth?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, we can help you successfully expand your business into new international markets!

Increase your chances for export success. Don't wait. Contact us today!
Enterprise Florida and the Florida Small Business Center at the University of West Florida are offering companies customized “Export Marketing Plans” to help you pinpoint the correct countries, develop the right entry strategies, and promote your products abroad.
Why Export?
  • Over 95% of the world’s customers are located beyond U.S. borders.
  • Exporters realize higher employment growth than non-exporters.
  • Most companies that export have an easier time riding out fluctuations in the U.S. economy and are more likely to stay in business.
  • Export wages are typically 13–18% higher than non-export wages.
Applying to receive a customized Export Marketing Plan will help your company to target key markets, focus on successful country launch strategies and expand your overseas promotion campaign options.
The cost for preparation of an Export Marketing Plan is $4,000, but qualifying companies are eligible for a $3,500 scholarship thanks to the State of Florida.
The final cost to your company is only $500!

Call the SBDC Florida State Office for more information:
Tel: 1-866-737-7232

Apply online:


If you received this announcement from a colleague and would like to be added to our Trade Events mailing list, please click here.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Support the FCC to change the rental mode of Cable Boxes

Public Knowledge

Let's be honest. Most people are less than thrilled over their staggering monthly cable bills. Right now, cable box rentals -- you know, that fee you pay to access the cable content you're already paying for on a clunky device you never own -- average $231 per household per year. That's $20 billion going to Big Cable on set-box rentals alone, and that's just plain nuts.

It doesn’t have to be this way. Right now, the Federal Communications Commission wants to change that rental model, opening up the video device marketplace so consumers can use cool new devices, such as an Apple TV or Roku, to view their cable content instead of paying over and over again to rent an outdated box with a complicated user-interface that’s a pain to use.


But Big Cable doesn’t want to let go of their control over the video marketplace, so they’re trying to head the FCC off at the pass. They’re using all sorts of tactics to distract from the real issue: The FCC’s proposal would reduce the price-gouging we all face at the hands of our cable providers.

How much do you really pay Big Cable for your set-top box? How much would you save per month if you could #UnlockTheBox? And what would you do with the money you saved per year?

Let us know! Tweet a photo of your cable bill, or let us know your set-top box fee, using the hashtags #UnlockTheBox and #TrueCableCosts. Tell us what you could do with the money you saved over time. (And keep in mind that those fees are often disguised on your bill under terms like “converter” and “adapter.”)

The FCC is accepting public comments on this issue for the next 60 days. Click here to sign our letter to the FCC telling them it's time to #UnlockTheBox, and feel free to include your own comments. When it comes to the FCC's decision to open up the video marketplace and save consumers billions of dollars in the process, every signature counts!


Click here to tweet this: Share your #TrueCableCosts here: & tell the @FCC to #UnlockTheBox here:  #VideoMarketplace
Public Knowledge · 1818 N St NW, Suite 410, Washington, DC 20036, United States

Friday, February 19, 2016

Jornada Turismo de las Américas


Cine, turismo, innovación, educación y tratados de libre comercio  serán los temas abordados durante su celebración entre el 6 y 9 de junio de 2016.

El Puerto de Miami, ha acogido la presentación que bajo el título “The Business Tourism Conference and Canton fair promotional event” en la que se han  detallado las ideas centrales que se expondrán en el vigésimo séptimo Congreso Hemisférico de Cámaras de Comercio e Industria  Latinas. A  la cita han acudido representantes de las autoridades de Miami, Consulados, aerolíneas, y destacadas personalidades empresariales de la Florida, y la especial participación de Wifredo “Willy”  Gort Comisionado de la Ciudad de Miami, José “ Pepe” Díaz, Comisionado del Condado de Miami Dade, Bill Tabern Presidente CEO del Greater Miami Convention Bureau and visitors center y Joe Chi, representante de la Feria de Cantón y CEO de China Latin American Trade Center.

Tras unas palabras de bienvenida por parte de Nelson Tarke Jr. Presidente de Camacol a los asistentes, los expertos invitados han explicado las novedades del próximo Congreso, que se celebrará del 6 al 9 de junio 2016, en un acto, dirigido por José Matto, Director ejecutivo del Congreso Hemisférico.

En esta edición del  Congreso, las líneas de trabajo  se centran principalmente en los sectores del Cine, Turismo, innovación, educación y tratados internacionales de libre comercio. De este modo más de 25 países acudirán a la cita de CAMACOL en el emblemático Hotel Biltmore, de Coral Gables, Florida.

Entre las novedades de este año, destaca el turismo comercial y la importancia de las nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a los negocios, una premisa de la nueva Directiva de CAMACOL, que entre sus objetivos se ha propuesto ampliar el Congreso Hemisférico a las cámaras de turismo, organismos gubernamentales y multinacionales, para acceder a nuevos mercados, incrementar las ventas y reducir los gastos.

El cine y turismo contarán con paneles de expertos en diversas materias.

Patricia Arias responsable de Miami Film Market,  detalló las novedades del encuentro más importante del año en la industria cinematográfica en Miami, un encuentro que cuenta con más de 150 profesionales de la industria del cine.

El director de la comisión de turismo de la Cámara de Comercio Latina en EEUU Juan Miguel Moreno presentó los contenidos del panel de turismo centrados este año en conectividad aérea, Online Travel  Agencies, y Turismo colaborativo y señaló el impacto que tendrá el turismo colaborativo en Latinoamérica en los próximos años.

La Asociación latinoamericana de transporte aéreo (ALTA) abordó la necesidad de fomentar el transporte aéreo para contribuir al comercio de la región. Santiago Saltos, director de asuntos externos, de ALTA facilitó datos y algunas de las claves que se debatirán durante el próximo congreso hemisférico. Por otra parte, Ana Paradella, responsable de publicidad para México y Caribe de Expedia, habló de los grandes cambios que el sector de las online travel agencies, están representando para el sector turístico. 


Gran relevancia tuvo la presentación por parte de Joe Chi, Representante de la Feria de Cantón en Estados Unidos, quién habló de la importancia de esta feria para las empresas latinoamericanas. Durante el evento se celebro una videoconferencia con el vicedirector de la Feria de Cantón en China YU JI, quien destacó la historia y prestigio de esta gran feria comercial, referente a nivel mundial.

Joe Chi,  representante de China Latin América USA Trade Plataform destacó que el país asiático se ha convertido en uno de los principales emisores de turismo del mundo, el año pasado salieron de China mas de 100 millones de ciudadanos chinos para realizar turismo, de los cuales llegaron a EEUU un millón y medio debido a las restricciones de visas. Para este año se prevé una salida de 150 millones de turistas chinos. En cuanto al apartado de inversiones China prevé importar la increíble cantidad de 3 trillones de dólares en compra de mercancías e importaciones para los próximos años e invertir 100 billones de dólares en Latinoamérica.


La unión Europea también contribuirá al desarrollo de Latinoamérica con una inversión de 270 millones de dólares, en los próximos años.

En el evento se desvelaron también algunas de las claves de la  secretaria permanente conformada por los directores internacionales de las Cámaras de Comercio para el 38 congreso hemisférico. Leszek Ladowski  presidente de la cámara de comercio polaco-americana de Florida y las Américas, explicó que la Próxima Secretaría Permanente que se celebra el próximo mes de octubre 2016  en Krackovia bajo el título “ Go Américas: Florida –Gateway to the Américas, Poland - Gateway to Central and Eastern Europe, será una magnifica oportunidad de hacer negocios con Europa.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Florida International Trade Events Newsletter - February 17, 2016

Florida International Trade Events Newsletter        February 17, 2016

Welcome to Enterprise Florida's International Trade Events Newsletter!
New Announcement
Customized Export Marketing Plans

New and Updated Enterprise Florida Events:
New Partner Trade Events:
State of the Ports (Orlando, Florida)
2016 International Women's Day Luncheon (Coral Gables, Florida)
Doing Business with Dubai (Orlando, Florida)
Selling to Latin America (Tampa, Florida)

Events are listed in order by date. Please contact individual event organizers for additional information.

Programs & Services for Florida Exporters

 Platinum Member Sponsor
RX logo_EF Website 2015 copy

Calendar of Events
For a complete listing of Enterprise Florida events, please click the link below.

To be added to our Trade Events mailing list please click here.


Enterprise Florida and the Florida SBDC Network are offering qualified Florida manufacturers and services providers customized Export Marketing Plans to analyze your company’s products and services for export-readiness; help your company target key markets; understand the competitive landscape, and develop successful market entry strategies. Export Marketing Plans cost $4,000 but qualifying companies are eligible for a $3,500 grant from the State of Florida so that the final cost to your company is only $500. For further information please call 1-866-737-7232 or click on the link above.
Enterprise Florida Trade Events

Dubai International Boat Show

March 1-5, 2016
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
The Middle East remains one of the most affluent regions in the world and companies from all over the globe will showcase their latest designs and innovations at the Dubai International Boat Show (DIBS). With an impressive display of boats and super yachts in the Middle East and the largest, most lucrative gathering of VIP’s and royal families; DIBS delivers the ultimate meeting point for the region’s most prosperous buyers. Attracting tens of thousands of visitors each year, DIBS is one of the few events worldwide where companies constantly experience an impressive return on their exhibition investment. Enterprise Florida is once again teaming with the USA pavilion organizer and the U.S. Commercial Service to offer companies the opportunity to exhibit in the Florida Section of the US Pavilion.

Trade Grants are available to help offset your exhibition cost in this show. Please let EFI know if you wish to receive more details on this opportunity.

For further information, please contact:
Larry Bernaski
Enterprise Florida Inc.
CeBIT 2016

March 14-18, 2016
Hannover, Germany
Enterprise Florida is encouraging Florida technology companies to participate in CeBIT, the world's largest international expo in the ICT industry. Since 1986, the annual trade show has taken place in Hanover, Germany. CeBIT 2016 is scheduled to be held March 16 to 20 (Monday through Friday). Currently, 3,500 companies from 70 countries have registered for participation, 92% of them buyers. As a leading IT expo and conference, CeBIT focuses on B2B and covers multiple sectors including IT equipment and components, software, internet, mobile, telecommunication and digital business solutions.

Trade Grants are available to help offset your exhibition cost in this show. Please let EFI know if you wish to receive more details on this opportunity.

For further information, please contact:
Andrea Moore
Enterprise Florida Inc.
Export Sales Mission to Korea and Taiwan

April 15-23, 2016
Seoul, Korea and Taipei, Taiwan
Join Florida Secretary of Commerce Bill Johnson on an Export Sales Mission to Korea & Taiwan. South Korea and Taiwan, strong and growing Asian economies, are highly attractive export markets for U.S. companies. Over the past several decades, South Korea has achieved a remarkably high level of economic growth and is now the United States’ sixth largest goods trading partner with a trillion-dollar economy. The United States is Taiwan’s third largest trading partner, accounting for more than 10 percent of its total trade. Florida companies are invited to join the mission and participate in the Gold Key program. This program offers an excellent way to meet with potential business partners and build relationship in both markets.
EFI will offer a limited number of Gold Key Matchmaking one-on-one appointments. Small and mid-sized Florida manufacturers and professional service providers may qualify for a Gold Key Grant, which will offset the matchmaking registration fee for the first company representative. Individuals can participate under the delegate package. The Delegate package includes: admission to all mission events, airport transfers in country when traveling on official mission flights and ground transportation to all mission events.

For further information, please contact:
John Diep
Enterprise Florida Inc.

Max Stewart
Enterprise Florida Inc.

Hannover Messe 2016

April 25-29, 2016
Hannover, Germany
The U.S. Department of Commerce, U.S. Commercial Service and Enterprise Florida are offering a unique opportunity for Florida manufacturers to meet prospective foreign buyers at Hannover Messe, the world’s premier manufacturing trade event, April 25-29, 2016 in Hannover, Germany.

The White House has announced that President Barack Obama will join German Chancellor Angela Merkel to open HANNOVER MESSE 2016. Obama will appear at the fair’s official opening ceremony on Sunday, April 24th, and is also scheduled for the traditional opening tour of the fair with Merkel on Monday morning.

Hannover Messe 2016 is five trade shows representing all aspects of modern manufacturing in one integrated event and will attract over 100 buyer delegations with more than 200,000 attendees from over 70 countries. Florida companies exhibiting in U.S. Pavilions will gain unprecedented benefits from:
  • Unmatched international exposure including a featured page on Hannover Messe 2016 website with enhanced search capabilities.
  • Tickets for the Opening Ceremony and Reception.
  • Onsite customized support from U.S. Commercial Service industry specialists.
  • Business to Government Executive Market Counseling with U.S. Commercial Service staff from among the top 25 markets present at Hannover Messe.
  • Business to Business International Partner Promotion Program.
  • Enterprise Florida trade grants of up to $6,000 are available to help offset your exhibition costs in this show.
Free Webinars:
Join our free “Know Before You Go” webinars to maximize onsite opportunities and learn more about the wealth of opportunities available at Hannover Messe 2016.

For further information, please contact:
Miguel Olivares
U.S. Commercial Service

Larry Bernaski
Enterprise Florida, Inc.
Expo Seguridad 2016
Special Prime Pavilion Spaces Available

April 26-28, 2016
Mexico City, Mexico

Expo Seguridad Mexico is is the largest security show in Mexico and Latin America and will feature products from a number of large retailers in the security industry as well as contractors from government agencies around Central America.

Enterprise Florida has been provided exclusive prime space at Expo Seguridad for Florida companies. Florida will be the only state in the United States with a prime pavilion. If you would like your company to stand out at the largest security and defense show in Latin America this is the venue. Space is very limited in this prime section.
Trade Grants are available to help offset your exhibition cost in this show. Please let EFI know if you wish to receive more details on this opportunity.

For further information, please contact:
Max Stewart
Enterprise Florida Inc.

Export Development Trade Mission to Mexico

May 23-26, 2016
Mexico City, Mexico

EFI will offer a limited number of Gold Key Matchmaking one-on-one appointments through the USCS for participating Florida companies. Small and mid-sized Florida manufacturers and professional service providers may qualify for a Gold Key Grant, which will offset the matchmaking registration fee for the first company representative.

Why Mexico? Mexico offers tremendous opportunities for Florida companies interested in increasing their footprint in Latin America. Mexico is currently our nation’s third largest trading partner and second largest export market for U.S. products. Mexico ranks tenth among Florida’s trading partners.

For further information, please contact:
Ilona Vega
Enterprise Florida Inc.

Stephanie Pavolini
Enterprise Florida Inc.

Farnborough International Airshow 2016

July 11-17, 2016
Hampshire, United Kingdom
The Farnborough International Airshow is a global showcase for the aerospace industry and its reputation alone attracts a global audience. For manufacturers, this show is an opportunity to demonstrate the latest and greatest aircraft and engines to prospective customers. For suppliers, having a presence at the show provides an opportunity to showcase products and services to a targeted audience.

Why the Florida Pavilion?
This Enterprise Florida, Inc. (EFI) led trip provides exposure for Florida aviation and aerospace companies representing a diverse range of sectors such as: Space, Civil, Defense, Manufacturing Technology, Rotary and MRO. Exhibiting in the Florida Pavilion is a very effective and efficient way to meet with potential customers and suppliers. EFI has multiple booth package options to choose from, access to private meeting rooms and a lounge area complete with refreshments and a hostess. Your company will be sure to stand out amongst the crowd.

Trade Grants are available to help offset your exhibition cost in this show. Please let EFI know if you wish to receive more details on this opportunity.

For further information, please contact:
Paul Mitchell
Enterprise Florida Inc.
Medical Fair Asia 2016

August 31, 2016 to September 2, 2016
Medical Fair Asia is Southeast Asia’s most definitive event for the medical and healthcare industry and will be held at a new venue – the Marina Bay Sands Convention Center in Singapore. Medical Fair Asia is well positioned to be the No.1 procurement stage for industry professionals to experience new and innovative technologies, solutions, products and services. With an anticipated participation of 1,000 exhibitors form 45 countries, 20 national pavilion and country groups and an expected attendance of 15,000 qualified trade buyers and decision makers from across Asia. At this event, new digital healthcare solutions such as remote and wireless healthcare, IT platforms, wearable devices, smarter medicine and healthcare analytics are also expected to be showcased by participating exhibitors. Focused on equipment and supplies for the hospital, diagnostic, pharmaceutical, medical and rehabilitation sectors, the event continues to raise the overall capabilities and spur the growth of the region’s medical and healthcare sectors to meet the changing demands in both the public and private sectors. Enterprise Florida, Inc. has secured space for a Florida section. Individual booths are being offered for Florida companies to exhibit within the USA Pavilion. Space is limited and will be sold on a first-come, first served basis.

Trade Grants are available to help offset your exhibition cost in this show. Please let EFI know if you wish to receive more details on this opportunity.

For further information, please contact:
Michael Schiffhauer
Enterprise Florida Inc.

SMM Hamburg

September 6-9, 2016
Hamburg, Germany
Enterprise Florida (EFI) is pleased to announce its support for SMM Hamburg. The bi-annual SMM Hamburg is the world’s largest B2B international trade show for the commercial marine industry. In 2014, SMM Hamburg featured over two thousand exhibitors, and fifty thousand visitors. Independent space at SMM Hamburg is virtually sold out however Enterprise Florida is working with the U.S. show organizer to secure space for Florida companies within the USA Pavilion. This is a U.S. Department of Commerce certified event meaning on-site Commerce staff will provide support to all U.S. exhibitors.

Trade Grants are available to help offset your exhibition cost in this show. Please let EFI know if you wish to receive more details on this opportunity.

For further information, please contact:
Larry Bernaski
Enterprise Florida Inc.
SemiCon 2016
Themed Florida Pavilion

September 7-9, 2016
Taipei, Taiwan
Do you want  to showcase your company on the international semiconductor stage with countries like Germany, Holland and Korea? SEMICON Taiwan 2016 annually attracts more than 3,300 attendees representing lithography, 3D IC, advanced packaging, memory, IC design, IoT, MEMS, smart manufacturing, high-tech facility, materials and more. Theme pavilions and country pavilions can provide you with a blueprint for regional markets and new business opportunities for Taiwan’s procurement community.

Enterprise Florida (EFI) will recruit Florida companies to join the first ever Florida pavilion for the semiconductor and advanced manufacturing community. Florida will be the only state in the United States with a themed state pavilion. Contact EFI if your company would like to stand out and participate in the the largest semiconductor show in Asia.
Trade Grants are available to help offset your exhibition cost in this show. Please let EFI know if you wish to receive more details on this opportunity.

For further information, please contact:
Max Stewart
Enterprise Florida Inc.

Andrea Moore
Enterprise Florida Inc.
Partner Trade Events

Cross Cultural Management Summit 2016

February 18-20, 2016
Melbourne, Florida
The Institute for Cross Cultural Management (ICCM) invites you to join the 2016 Cross Cultural Management Summit to be held at the Crowne Plaza Hotel on February 18-20, 2016. Join top thought leaders and experienced international business executives to solve some of the pressing cross cultural management challenges facing your organization. While you are enjoying the Summit, don't miss the opportunity to improve your global competencies and reduce the risk, time, and costs of international business. In addition, ICCM is offering 2 workshops the week of the Summit on Cross Cultural Competence and Global Leadership. Both workshops are approved for seven HRCI re-certification credits. Register for both and receive a discount.

Go Global: Exporting for Business Growth

February 19, 2016
Orlando, Florida
Florida-based companies are expanding overseas. Are you? We know that expanding into international markets can seem daunting. Attend this interactive workshop to find out how the Florida SBDC at UCF can help you prepare your business for globalization. Participants will leave with tools, insights and knowledge to help your small business earn a share of this growing profit opportunity. Let the FSBDC at UCF guide you through the complexities of international expansion strategies.

2016 International Days

February 23-24, 2016
Tallahassee, Florida
Join the Florida Chamber of Commerce and Florida’s international business community to hear from top international trade experts and promote the significant role international business has in Florida’s economy and in your business.
Join Davis Helsby from Insurance Office of America as he conducts an overview of the core insurance policies and risk management techniques needed as an importer/exporter. He will identify and discuss industry risks and cover key terms and verbiage related to insurance policies. Any U.S. firm/individual interested in exporting is invited to attend.
State of the Ports

March 1, 2016
Orlando, Florida
The World Trade Center Orlando is hosting a State of the Ports Event at the Orange County Convention Center on March 1, 2016. The invited special guest for the program is Governor Rick Scott. The program will feature: John Murray, Port Canaveral Authority; Greg Lovelace, Tampa Port Authority; Carolyn Fennell, Greater Orlando Aviation Authority; Steve Szabo, Space Florida; Mario Busacca, Chief KSC Spaceport Planning Office; Michael J. Caires, Orlando Sanford International Airport; and Jay Cassens, Daytona International Airport. To RSVP, email
The 15th Annual “Partnering for Compliance™” East Coast export/import control program is in Orlando, FL on Mar. 2-4, 2016. A separate requested ‘Customs/Import Boot Camp’ one-day program will be held on Mar. 1, 2016. Gov’t & Trade Speakers: DoS/DDTL: Terry Davis & DDTC Daniel Buzby; DoC/BIS: Gene Christiansen & OEE Jonathan Barnes; DoD/DTSA: Ken Oukrop; OFAC: Jamie Rose; Census Bureau: Omari Wooden; DHS/CBP: Joe Mitchell; ICE: Jacquelyn Metzger; AND, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Field, LLP: Jonathan Poling; Braumiller Law Group PLLC: Adrienne Braumiller & Bruce Leeds; David Hayes: UK/EU Export Controls and U.S. Trade. NOTE: Gene Christiansen will also focus on ECR implementation.

Chemical Mission from the USA to Brazil

March 7-11, 2016
Sao Paulo, Brazil
The U.S. Commercial Service in São Paulo, Brazil, is organizing an outbound Chemical Mission from the USA to Brazil, on March 7 – 11, 2016. U.S. chemical suppliers will have the unique chance to participate in one-on-one meetings with chemical distributors from all over Brazil and also meet with OXITENO, one of the largest chemical companies in Brazil. Over 80 Brazilian chemical distributors will attend the event.

2016 International Women's Day Luncheon

March 8, 2016
Coral Gables, Florida
Five leaders in Florida's growing trade sector will be honored at the World Trade Center Miami's 13th Annual International Women's Day Luncheon. These five women leaders have made significant contributions to advancing international trade, investment and business in Florida.

The WTCM's 2016 International Women's Day honorees are:
  • Marilyn DeVoe, Vice President – Miami Hub, American Airlines
  • Pamela Fuertes-Berti, Vice-President, International Economic Development Programs, The Beacon Council
  • Debra Owens, Director, Government Affairs and International Relations, PortMiami
  • Hilda Rodriguez, President, Florida Customs Brokers & Forwarders Association
  • Sally Yearwood, Executive Director, Caribbean-Central American Action
Delivering the keynote address will be Dr. Susan Amat, CEO and Founder of Venture Hive, an entrepreneurship education company that assists corporations, governments, universities, and incubator/accelerator programs.


Doing Business with Dubai

March 14, 2016
Orlando, Florida
Join the Dubai Department of Economic Development’s - Foreign Direct Investment Development Agency for a seminar on Doing Business with Dubai. During this seminar, event attendees can expect to learn about the innovation driven economy of Dubai through the ten major innovation pillars, the leading sectors for U.S. exports and investments, business etiquette practices, Dubai's strategic geographic location, and how access to human capital, the modern infrastructure, a strong governmental vision, and the “can do attitude" of the people creates an ideal environment for business.
Export Sales Mission to Costa Rica

April 12-15, 2016
San José, Costa Rica
You are invited to join the Tampa Bay Export Alliance on an Export Sales Mission to San José, Costa Rica. The mission will feature the U.S. Commercial Service Gold Key program which provides customized and pre-screened one-on-one appointments with potential customers or partners in Costa Rica. Costa Rica is a heavy consumer market and enjoys the region’s highest standard of living. U.S. products have an excellent reputation for quality and price-competitiveness, and the CAFTA-DR trade agreement eliminates most of the duties on U.S. exports. With grants available to qualified companies to cover one thousand dollars of the Gold Key fee, this mission offers an excellent opportunity for Tampa Bay companies to expand their sales to Costa Rica. Registration deadlines for the Mission Packages are as follows: Trade/Gold Key Package - Friday, February 19, 2016 and Delegate Package - Sunday, February 28, 2016.

Business Development Mission to the People's Republic of China

April 12-20, 2016
Guangzhou and Shanghai
The mission to the People's Republic of China is scheduled from April 12 - 20, 2016. Mission participants will visit the Canton Import & Export Fair in Guangzhou, tour the Hangzhou Economic, Technology & High Tech Development Zones in Hangzhou (home of Alibaba Company - the leading global sourcing e-commerce platform). In Shanghai, mission delegates will have ample opportunities for networking and one-to-one business matchmaking meetings, in-country briefing and presentations. After the China mission, participants may (optional) join the Enterprise Florida Export Sales Mission in Taiwan from April 20 - 23, 2016.


Selling to Latin America

April 13, 2016
Tampa, Florida

In this economy, improving sales can be a tough proposition. Maybe it is time to expand your customer base to Mexico, Central or South America? Get insider tips and strategies on selling to this region, information on trade agreements, and how exporting to Latin America is becoming easier. You will learn how to identify demographics and trends; select potential partners from diverse local options; and understand cultural norms that permeate the region. This course is designed for new to export or new to market businesses. Aerospace, automotive, manufacturing, heavy machinery, sporting goods, textiles and travel industries will be covered along with other top prospects. This event is hosted by the SBDC at the University of South Florida.

Export - Import Expo Conference

April 14, 2016
Sunrise, Florida
This is a unique event in Florida for companies that are interested in exporting or companies that are currently exporting to learn about the latest services or products to help them compete and succeed around the globe. This event enables exporters and importers to put their products at the forefront of an audience of industry leaders - fellow entrepreneurs and international trade service providers. This event presents many opportunities for creating business relationships abound, from workshops to industry focused meetups all catered for in a day of unequaled business networking.

Discover Global Markets - The Americas

June 15-16, 2016
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Join the U.S. Commercial Service and the South Florida District Export Council for Discover Global Markets: The Americas. This conference brings together trade experts, economists, industry professionals, and U.S. commercial diplomats via panels and executive meetings to address opportunities, challenges, and winning strategies across the region. Your firm will leave this conference with the critical next steps needed to transform market potential to market success in markets of interest across the Western Hemisphere. Meet one-on-one with U.S. Commercial Diplomats from the Western Hemisphere to explore market opportunities or receive help in overcoming challenges. Panels featuring economists, industry professionals, trade experts, and U.S. commercial diplomats will explore key questions related to the latest market developments.