Friday, December 10, 2010

Enterprise Florida - Trade Lists for December 2010-

Trade Leads Summary
Florida manufacturers, distributors, exporters, and professional services providers can connect with companies from around the world through our International Trade Leads program. Through a variety of marketing activities, Enterprise Florida identifies and qualifies foreign companies interested in sourcing goods and services, creating export opportunities for Florida companies.

Please select the Industry Sectors of interest to you to view complete details. If you wish to follow up on any of these leads, you can contact the foreign company directly with the information provided on the detailed report, or you can contact the International Office or Florida staff-person that submitted the lead for further information or assistance. 

Please click CLICK HERE

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

December - Calendar of Events - Miami Dade Office of Economic Development and International Trade

Calendario de Actividades de Desarrollo Económico y Comercio Internacional del Gobierno de Miami-Dade para el mes de Diciembre: