Monday, November 14, 2011

Haiti Reconstruction Forum 2011: December 8, 2011 in Miami

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) in collaboration with Enterprise Florida, the World Bank, the U.S. State Department, USAID, and Miami-Dade County,  cordially invite you to attend:

 Haiti Reconstruction Forum 2011
Procurement and Business Opportunities in Haiti

 December 8, 2011
Miami, Florida

The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the U.S. Government (USG), and the private sector play leading roles in the international community’s ongoing reconstruction and development efforts in Haiti. IDB is the largest multilateral donor to Haiti and in 2010 approved ten major operations for a total of $251 million. Since the earthquake in January 2010, IDB has awarded $189.7 million in contracts for Haiti reconstruction and development and has ten more projects in the pipeline for 2011. The IDB has estimated that it will be spending another $200 million per year for the next ten years as it administers large contributions by the international community.

Led by the U.S. Executive Director at the IDB, the Haiti Reconstruction Forum will feature major USG, IDB, and private sector players in the rebuilding of Haiti. These agencies are at the heart of reconstruction efforts in Haiti and they will present practical, business-focused information about current and existing projects, and how to identify, track, and bid on private sector contract opportunities arising from these projects. If you really want to understand how to win business in Haiti, this is an event you can’t afford to miss.

Participation Information and Registration
Morning General Session: FREE
No charge but registration is REQUIRED!
Full Program: $55
Includes morning session, luncheon, afternoon workshop and presenter/B2B networking

Luncheon Table Sponsor: $500
Includes full program and luncheon table for 8 plus recognition as a supporting organization

Deadline to register is November 30, 2011

For more information please contact:
Lorrie Belovich
Enterprise Florida

Desmond Alufohai
Miami-Dade County 

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