Thursday, August 27, 2009

Enterprise Florida Announces Partner Trade Event Grants

Enterprise Florida is pleased to announce a new program to help its trade and economic development partners expand their international trade activities and provide new opportunities for Florida exporters to tap into foreign markets.

The Partner Trade Event Grants program will be implemented through Florida’s network of economic development partners and trade organizations. Through these grants, EFI will provide financial and technical support for partner-led export sales missions and in-bound buying missions. The program is designed to encourage regional trade development initiatives and support the expansion of Florida-produced exports to high-potential markets worldwide. The ultimate goal of the grants is to help generate export sales for Florida manufacturers and service providers.

The grant Guidelines and Application are both attached. The program runs from September 1, 2009 through August 31, 2010 or until all funds are expended. If you have any questions, please contact your local Enterprise Florida Trade Manager.

Enterprise Florida Contacts for Partner Trade Event Grants

Andrea Moore
Phone: 850.469.8989 ●

Ken Cooksey
Phone: 850.298.6632 ●

Northeast/North Central
Larry Bernaski
Phone: 904.359.9350 ●

Central Florida/South Central
Michael Schiffhauer
Phone: 407.956.5634 ●

Tampa Bay Region
Rebecca Torres
Phone: 813.276.9430 ●

Southeast (except Miami-Dade)
John Diep
Phone: 561.832-8339 ●

Miami-Dade County
Ivan Barrios
Phone: 305-808-3390 ●

Lorrie Belovich
Phone: 305-808-3663 ●

Enterprise Florida is the official economic development organization for the State of Florida.
800 North Magnolia Ave., Suite 1100 • Orlando, Florida 32803 • Phone 407.956.5600 •

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